Booking FAQ


We generally book three months in advance. Please keep that in mind when seeking a date.

  • How do I submit my music?

NOTE! We no longer accept mailed, physical press kits. Hey, it’s just time, y’know? Save the stamps. Send an email.


Send a simple email with “Booking (your bands name)” to booking[at]greenbeltevents[dot]com. Within that email, write a basic description of who you are and why we should book you. Include a link to your music (obvs) and contact info. INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER. DO NOT ATTACH MP3′s.

  • Should I follow up on my press kit or electronic submission?

Sure, you can. But don’t be insulted if we don’t get back to you right away. (Or at all). We DO try to respond to all inquiries but, due to the number of submissions we get, it isn’t humanly possible. And if you want us to be nice about it, consider this your official reply: “Hey! Thanks for getting in touch! We received your information and will be in touch if we have a date that makes sense for your band.”

  • Do you guys really listen to all submissions?

Yes! We hold listening parties about once every six weeks where a few of us sit around, drink some beers and listen to every single submission.

Once You’re Booked

This list is mega important if you want to continue a healthy relationship with us for years to come. The following are a few simple items that should be followed by any band in any city playing any gig…period.

Promote your show as if it were your last gig on earth.

This doesn’t mean spam everyone within a ninety mile radius every single day leading up to your date. But it DOES mean send us posters so we have them at least four weeks prior to your show. (And we don’t mean send three. Send at least a dozen. More if possible.

Also, feel free to use our media list. And write up a nice little press release and send it to those email addresses listed on there. (Don’t worry, you’re not bugging them. They’re music writers and entertainment columnists. They WANT to to hear from you.)

Create a Facebook Event and search by city to invite people. (But PLEASE be courteous when promoting your show. Again: no one wants to be badgered incessantly for weeks leading up to a show they replied “maybe attending” to.

Complete all paperwork and get it back to us ASAP

Contracts protect all of us. So there’s no goofy stuff at settlement. I know, not every venue is going to issue you a contract, but it’s a good habit to get yourself into.

Also, we need your input list. It’s so our sound man can be prepared to make you sound as amazingly awesome as humanly possible.

And take a minute to Read This Awesome List Of

Just Announced

There are no upcoming events at this time.
